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Technical Reference


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How do Powerful Pals create "The Power"?

Powerful Pals do not have "The Power" people do.  Powerful Pals simply act as a conduit for the power transformation process to take place.

1.  Solar rays are attracted to and focused directly at one central point of the Powerful Pals using the Holographic Solar Energy Collector.  This produces an extremely high energy level and the entire solar absorption period takes only ten seconds.

2.  Once the extremely high solar energy is collected, it is introduced into a Magnetic Flux Containment Field to provide a safe method of power saturation and conversion.

3.  Within seconds of energy collection, a process known as Solarfission takes place.  Solarfission operating in a Magnetic Flux dissolves the extremely high solar energy and converts it into "The Power".  Once converted it is temporarily stored into the Power Storage Condenser until it is transferred to the holder of the  Powerful Pal.




 Disclaimer:  The technology described above does not exist in this product.  Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 


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Copyright © 2006 Powerful Pals  Last modified: 07/18/06