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What is a Powerful Pal?Empowered through imagination, Powerful Pals were created to allow one to harness the greatest power in the universe: to believe that one has the ability to make all things possible. How do they work?Powerful Pals simply convert the natural and highly concentrated solar energy in a into "The Power". Browse the Technical Page for further information. How can they help me?Powerful Pals empower the holder of one to believe in themselves. Everyone possesses the abilities to do great things, make friends, become successful, and find happiness. You simply need to believe in yourself and you will do it. Share "The Gift" with othersEveryone possesses "The Gift". Your talents, your abilities, your skills, your knowledge, and your passion. All of these are your gifts, everyone has them. All you need to do is to look within yourself, find them, embrace them, and share them with others.
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